A |
Liver, Egg yolk, Fish oil, Kidney, Milk fat, Dark green fruits and vegetables .Other products are cod liver oil, beef, chicken, carrots,sweet patotoe,mango and Cantaloupe |
Prevents night blindness. Maintains night vision. Essential for day-to-day vision.Vitamin A also prevents cataracts from forming and may have a role in preventing blindness from macular degeneration.
Can lead to xerophthalmia, with dryness in the eyes, corneal ulcers and swollen eyelids.
B1 (thiamin) |
Pork, Liver, Whole-grain and enriched cereals and breads, Legumes, Potatoes, Wheat germ |
Studies have shown that people who take thiamin are less likely to get cataracts.
B2 (riboflavin) |
Green vegetables, Liver, Wheat germ, Eggs, Cheese
Alleviates eye fatigue. |
C |
Tomatoes, Fruits (especially citrus), Melon, Raw cabbage, Green leafy vegetables, Peppers
Nutrients C, E and zinc oxide are antioxidants, which prevent lens deterioration. More recently has shown to reduce risk of glaucoma
E |
Wheat germ, Vegetable oils, Egg yolk, Milk fat, Green leafy vegetables, Nuts are an excellent source
Nutrients C, E and zinc oxide are antioxidants, which prevent lens deterioration.
Rapid cataracts, and more likely hood of developing macular degeneration. |
Lutein and Zeaxanthin |
Green leaves of spinach, Kale, Collards, Mustard greens, Amaranth, Spirulina, Marigold flower petals, Red paprika |
Protects the eyes from sun damage. Particularly helpful for people with blue, green or hazel-colored eyes.
Increase risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts.
Zinc Oxide |
Oysters, Shellfish, Eggs, Legumes, Herring, Liver, Milk |
Nutrients C, E and zinc oxide are antioxidants, which prevent lens deterioration.